The yard deer
more deer
They are SO cute..... until we realized that they were eating everything in the yard
The evening stroll over to my neighbor's garden
Eating the pyracantha berries
The salad bar (Rose bed) First they eat the blossoms, then the new growth
Poor thing flew into the patio door and was knocked sensless. It recovered and flew away
Female goldfinch
The hawk
The hawk hunting in the front yard. It will wait until I mow, then come hunt the yard in the short grass
American anole
A constant and persistent visitor at the bird feeder
Baby opposum
The rest of the brood The mother was killed. I gave them to a rescue organization and they raised them
Writing spider
Tomato hornworm
Hornworm that has been parasitized by a preditory wasp
The most frequent swimmer in the pool
Rose-breasted grosbeak They migrate through for about 10 days
Tree frog?
Box turtle